Efficacia dell'app PECS Phase III e scelta tra l'app e il PECS tradizionale in bambini prescolari con ASD.

Effectiveness of the PECS Phase III app and choice between the app and traditional PECS among preschoolers with ASD

Ganz JB, Hong ER, Goodwyn FD
Research In Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7(8), 973-983. doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2013.04.003.
We investigated the efficacy of a tablet-computer-based Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) application for use with three preschoolers with ASD and investigated participant preference for the app versus traditional PECS (i.e., with a physical communication book) once the participants demonstrated minimal levels of mastery of both. We implemented a single-case multiple baseline design to determine the efficacy of the app. Results indicated that participants rapidly demonstrated above-chance level mastery of the app. Following mastery, two participants demonstrated a preference for the app, while the other preferred the traditional PECS communication book.