Una pianificazione video e per immagini tramite iPad incrementa l'abilità di fare acquisti in un soggetto giovane-adulto con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico e disabilità cognitiva

An iPad™-based picture and video activity schedule increases community shopping skills of a young adult with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability

Burckley E, Tincani M, Guld Fisher A.
Dev Neurorehabil. 2015 Apr;18(2):131-6. doi: 10.3109/17518423.2014.945045. Epub 2014 Aug 1.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the iPad 2™ with Book Creator™ software to provide visual cues and video prompting to teach shopping skills in the community to a young adult with an autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability.

METHODS: A multiple probe across settings design was used to assess effects of the intervention on the participant's independence with following a shopping list in a grocery store across three community locations.

RESULTS: Visual cues and video prompting substantially increased the participant's shopping skills within two of the three community locations, skill increases maintained after the intervention was withdrawn, and shopping skills generalized to two untaught shopping items. Social validity surveys suggested that the participant's parent and staff favorably viewed the goals, procedures, and outcomes of intervention.

CONCLUSIONS: The iPad 2™ with Book Creator™ software may be an effective way to teach independent shopping skills in the community; additional replications are needed.