Training tramite l'iPad per insegnare l'uso dello spazzolino da denti a bambini e adolescenti con autismo
Toothbrushing training programme using an iPad(®) for children and adolescents with autism
Lopez Cazaux S, Lefer G, Rouches A, Bourdon P.
Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2019 Jun;20(3):277-284. doi: 10.1007/s40368-018-0396-y. Epub 2019 Mar 16.
AIM: To improve the oral health of children and teenagers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by using an iPad®-based training programme.
METHODS: Fifty-two children and teenagers with ASD (aged 3-19 years) educated in schools or in care centres participated in this cohort study and followed for 8 months. A training programme for teaching toothbrushing behaviours was proposed to the educational staff. Quotation grids enabled assessment of the programme's efficacy.
RESULTS: Showed an improvement in toothbrushing. The children's autonomy increased and oral care was more easily implemented when steps were taken by the caregivers. Wilcoxon analysis showed significant improvement in each variable related to toothbrushing.
CONCLUSIONS: The iPad® is an attractive and easy device for people with ASD to use. Its use in a training programme for teaching toothbrushing behaviours was efficient.
AIM: To improve the oral health of children and teenagers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by using an iPad®-based training programme.
METHODS: Fifty-two children and teenagers with ASD (aged 3-19 years) educated in schools or in care centres participated in this cohort study and followed for 8 months. A training programme for teaching toothbrushing behaviours was proposed to the educational staff. Quotation grids enabled assessment of the programme's efficacy.
RESULTS: Showed an improvement in toothbrushing. The children's autonomy increased and oral care was more easily implemented when steps were taken by the caregivers. Wilcoxon analysis showed significant improvement in each variable related to toothbrushing.
CONCLUSIONS: The iPad® is an attractive and easy device for people with ASD to use. Its use in a training programme for teaching toothbrushing behaviours was efficient.