Gli effetti del Video Prompting autodiretto con due studenti con disabilità intellettive e disturbi dello sviluppo
The Effects of Self-Directed Video Prompting With Two Students With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Payne D, Cannella-Malone HI, Tullis CA, Sabielny LM.
Journal Of Developmental And Physical Disabilities, 24, 617-634. doi: 10.1007/s10882-012-9293-1.
This study evaluated the effectiveness of video prompts presented on an iPod Touch on the acquisition of two daily living skills, as well as a system of most-to-least prompts to teach two students with moderate to severe intellectual and developmental disabilities to use the iPod Touch as a self-directed prompting device. In phase 1, video prompts presented on an iPod Touch were used to teach the students to make microwavable popcorn. Once the students were consistently performing the popcorn task, they were taught to independently use the iPod Touch (i.e., self-directed video prompting). In the third phase, one student was taught to make instant noodle soup via self-directed video prompts. A multiple probe across participants design was used to evaluate the effects of video prompting and the acquisition of self-directed video prompting. An AB design was used to evaluate the effects of self-directed video prompting with one student. Both students learned to make microwaveable popcorn. One student learned to self-operate the iPod Touch and met the criteria for beginning phase 3 (making noodle soup) before the conclusion of the study.
This study evaluated the effectiveness of video prompts presented on an iPod Touch on the acquisition of two daily living skills, as well as a system of most-to-least prompts to teach two students with moderate to severe intellectual and developmental disabilities to use the iPod Touch as a self-directed prompting device. In phase 1, video prompts presented on an iPod Touch were used to teach the students to make microwavable popcorn. Once the students were consistently performing the popcorn task, they were taught to independently use the iPod Touch (i.e., self-directed video prompting). In the third phase, one student was taught to make instant noodle soup via self-directed video prompts. A multiple probe across participants design was used to evaluate the effects of video prompting and the acquisition of self-directed video prompting. An AB design was used to evaluate the effects of self-directed video prompting with one student. Both students learned to make microwaveable popcorn. One student learned to self-operate the iPod Touch and met the criteria for beginning phase 3 (making noodle soup) before the conclusion of the study.